ERM has had a presence in India since 1995 and today is the leading provider of environmental, health & safety, risk and social consulting services in the Indian market. With over 170 full time staff working out of offices in New Delhi/ Gurgaon, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Kolkata, ERM has unparalleled capacity and reach in the region.
ERM is uniquely qualified in the Indian and South Asian region to provide advice and assistance for all phases of a company’s evolution. Whether it’s reducing risk and liability exposure associated with a transaction, improving environmental, health and safety performance of an operational asset, or mitigating social, community and reputational risks for a major capital project, we can leverage our local and global networks to assemble the best team to meet your needs. ERM’s regulatory advisory experience in India also includes the framing of new environmental and sustainable development policies and legislation.
In addition to being ISO 9001 certified, ERM is also accredited by NABET/ QCI (Government of India) as an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Consultant for projects requiring Environmental Clearance from Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) or State EIA Authorities (SEIAAs) for key industrial and infrastructure sector projects.
Going beyond typical environmental/ social due-diligence or impact assessment services, ERM’s portfolio of specialist expertise in the region includes safety performance intervention (ERM’s Sustainable Safety suite of programs), sustainability strategy development, asbestos management, land acquisition/ resettlement advisory and integrated water management.
ERM is also the only firm in India providing turn-key contaminated site management services, including groundwater remediation, Brownfield redevelopment services, soil and groundwater contamination assessments, building decontamination and specialist demolition and decommissioning services.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy Hide
In continuation with the organization’s overall purpose and societal responsibilities, ERM in India has a well-drafted CSR Policy that complies with the relevant regulatory frameworks in the country. This policy is aligned with the global objectives and targets set forth by ERM Foundation.
In FY18, ERM India identified social enterprises (non-governmental organizations) who work at grassroot levels across the country’s landscape on areas like – conservation of biodiversity, environmental education, women empowerment, low carbon development etc. Two of these organizations, namely Swadhina Foundation and CHILDReach were provided financial and technical support by ERM in India to achieve their goals and expand their scale of operations. Swadhina is a 32 year old organization that focusses on Women Empowerment while CHILDReach provides a learning environment for young people with special abilities.