This webinar on the report Rate the Raters 2020: Investor Survey and Interview Results discussed the findings of our second instalment of our Rate the Raters research, focusing on investor views of ESG ratings.
In 2010, SustainAbility undertook its first Rate the Raters project to better understand the ratings landscape and provide perspectives from experts to help companies, investors and other stakeholders make sense of and get more value from sustainability ratings. In 2017, we decided to revisit this topic in order to provide an updated view of stakeholder perspectives, shed a light on how ESG ratings are currently being used, identify challenges and provide recommendations on how to solve those challenges. We undertook a two-phased approach, the first part of which was released in 2019 and focused on key insights from over 300 sustainability professionals in corporate, NGO, government, academic and other sectors. The findings of part two of our research will be discussed in this webinar and cover:
- How investors use ratings and evaluate ESG topics
- Specific recommendations for companies on how to approach the ESG ratings landscape in order to meet investor needs
- How to leverage findings to spur further dialogue between investors, corporations and ratings to improve the landscape for all stakeholders.