Energy Efficiency
ERM Energy & Emissions Performance

Energy Efficiency

We empower leadership teams of complex industrial facilities to analyze energy consumption behavior with unprecedented depth and clarity. Our energy efficiency solution enables clients to run targeted, granular, and AI-automated analyses that provide invaluable insights into understanding and optimizing energy-intensive processes.

These data-driven optimizations often scale up to millions of dollars in energy cost savings. 

Building on our AI-generated insights, our clients have achieved exemplary wins:​ ​

  • Optimize plant configuration to deliver minimum energy consumption without impacting throughput​
  • Update maintenance cycles to ensure they deliver the most energy efficient outcomes​
  • Optimize the impact of the energy cost of routine equipment testing​
  • Quickly cost and optimize any spinning reserve while maintaining full reliability
  • Optimize start-ups and shut-downs through granular insight into the energy consumption behavior of your facility

​Your easy first step: Our energy reduction potential assessments are rapid, low-cost studies that let you quickly understand the “size of the prize” you could obtain.

Exemplary Client Outcomes​

Birds-eye view on Variability in your facility operations

Before diving deep into efficiency optimization, we often perform an Energy Variability Assessment (EVA). This small-scale study, reveals the variability in your operations. Variability is a good initial indicator, to understand the magnitude of the optimization opportunity, persistent in your facility operations. The EVA therefore helps to build a business case and create internal stakeholder alignment on further investigation measures.

Reveal excess energy and deltas to your facility's best achievable energy performance

Every day large industrial assets are losing money on their energy bill that accumulates to significant cost. Building on the high-resolution view of energy usage over time - at any level, from facility to equipment - our AI engine identifies when and where excess energy occur. The system helps you understand the root causes that can be addressed without impacting the security of production as highest paramount.

Understand the energy implications cost of routine equipment testing​

Could your routine procedures be improved to reduce energy usage? With a high-resolution view of energy performance over time, at any level from facility to equipment, it’s easy to study the patterns of energy usage associated with common procedures. Routine equipment testing is a common case where, once the energy implications are fully understood, there is often room for improvement. ​

Tell me more

Get in touch with our ​ERM experts today.​ We are fully equipped to support your challenge! Experience the powerful combination of decades of industry expertise and new AI and digital twin technology.​


ISO Certification Hide

Quality is at the heart of our business

Delivering consistent, high quality solutions to our customers is our number one focus. emissions.AI (part of Operational Excellence (OPEX) Group Limited) is accredited to ISO 9001:2015, the International Standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS). Learn more.

Information security is a key foundation of our business

We are committed to ensuring that all of our data is secure. emissions.AI (part of Operational Excellence (OPEX) Group Limited) operates an Information Security Management System (ISMS) fully accredited to the ISO 27001:2013 standard. Learn more.