Worldwide, business leaders face market and investor pressure to optimize operational performance at an accelerating pace and larger scale.

To achieve this, companies are pursuing innovation and new value-creation opportunities through digital transformation of the enterprise. A core part of the transformation is the digitization of environment, health and safety (EHS) and sustainability systems, making processes more automated, better connected and insightful.

ERM’s Digital Services help organizations achieve these improvements in EHS and sustainability performance through tech-enabled innovation. We deliver these business outcomes through our global network, EHS and sustainability subject matter expertise and extensive digital capabilities.

Our digital services approach integrates:

Digital Advisory

We help clients understand the value of digital transformation and identify a roadmap and program to realize this value while mitigating risks. In an increasingly complex world, our clients can find it difficult to decide where to start or how to progress. Our ‘Discover, Design, Deliver’ process develops an EHS and sustainability digital roadmap aligned to the corporate business objectives while delivering improved performance; meeting rising stakeholder expectations; and enabling faster, better, safer operations.

Digital Systems

We support business leaders in the successful selection, configuration, implementation and sustainment of EHS and sustainability management information systems. We bring a deep understanding of global EHS and sustainability business capabilities, regulatory requirements and best practices. We also provide objective, independent advice on off-the-shelf or custom-built, third-party technologies and knowledge of the market presence of these technologies within our clients.

Data Management and Analytics

We help clients understand what is most important to measure, what to look for, where to look and how to convert data to actionable insights through visualizations, predictive/preventative models, data curation, smart automations, underpinned by an integrated data governance strategy.

Digital products

emissions.AI is a digital solution that gives operations teams insights into the drivers of excess energy usage and emissions hidden in plant and process configurations, operating procedures, plant start-ups/shutdowns and other operational data.

ESG Fusion is ERM's AI-enabled platform that provides ESG screenings, ratings and analysis on-demand to help investment professionals make better decisions. ESG Fusion insights are produced with a two-business-day turnaround time and include a multi-dimensional view of ESG risk exposures and measurement of a company’s response to a variety of industry risks.

Libryo - No matter what industry or how many jurisdictions you operate in, you will always know your applicable law and understand what to do next to action your compliance with Libryo. The platform filters and tracks exactly what your global teams need to know for legal compliance, enabling them to focus on completing other tasks and making improvements.

Mine Assure is ERM's SaaS solution tailored for responsible conformance management within the global Metals & Mining industry. It assists clients in achieving operational efficiency and data consistency by providing a consolidated protocol with multiple ESG industry standards.