In this section, we share our performance against ERM’s 2018 sustainability targets and our targets for 2019 and beyond as well as progress toward maximizing our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Detailed information is included in the supporting data sections.
FY18 results against targets
The following table summarizes our results against our sustainability targets. As shown, ERM either met or made good progress towards the FY18 targets and the 5-year goals we set for ourselves. We considered these results as we set our targets for FY19.
Detailed information on our performance data is provided in the Programs and practices section of this report as well as the supporting data sections on Our people, Health & Safety, Environment and Society.
Material Topic

No fines or nonmonetary sanctions for material noncompliance with laws or regulations.
Adopt innovation approach to generate new solutions for and with clients.
Performance against FY18 targets and 5-year goals
Target met and continued progress toward meeting long-term goal.
We had no fines or nonmonetary sanctions for material noncompliance with laws or regulations.
See the section on Governance for more details.

Our people
Show increase over prior year for gender diversity among Senior Consultants, Technical Directors and Partners.
Develop baseline of languages spoken and number of nationalities represented by employees.
Adopt innovation approach to generate new solutions for and with clients.
Target met and continued progress toward meeting long-term goal.
Our gender diversity increased among Senior Consultants, Technical Directors and Partners.
We collected information on the languages spoken and nationalities represented by our employees on a voluntary basis, in accordance with each country’s privacy requirements.
See the section on Our people for more details.

Occupational health and safety
Days away from work case (DAWC) rate.
DAWC rate below 0.06 and no fatalities.
Target partially met and continued progress toward meeting long-term goal. Our DAWC rate remained unchanged at 0.17. We had no employee fatalities.
See the section on Health & safety for more details.

Climate change
Adopt ambitious long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) targets based on science.
Achieve forecast progress towards longer term Science Based Targets for 2025 and 2050.
Target met and continued progress toward meeting long-term goal. Senior management approved ambitious GHG targets, which we will submit to the Science Based Targets Initiative for validation in FY19.
See the section on Environment for more details.

Innovating with clients and other leading organizations
Deliver and measure impacts of material innovations delivered to market in FY19.
Measure and report the impacts of innovating with clients and other organizations to address sustainability challenges.
Target met and continued progress toward meeting long-term goal.
Our approach to innovation focuses on leveraging technological advances across our core services in response to client need. We appointed a Head of New Digital Business to spearhead our development of digital tools and services.
See the sections on Our impact and Society for more details.

Contributing to society & local communities
Contribute 1% of prior year profits to support sustainability initiatives around the globe, primarily through the ERM Foundation.
Increase Foundation contributions over time (e.g., percentage of employees engaged, company donations, employee funding).
Measure and report the impacts of Foundation and other non-client-generated projects/programs on Sustainable Development Goals.
Target met and continued progress toward meeting long-term goal.
We contributed 1.2% of prior year profits to global sustainability initiatives, primarily through the ERM Foundation.
See the sections on Society and the ERM Foundation for more details.
Progress toward achieving the SDGs
For each of our material topics, we identified the SDGs and SDG targets that are most relevant to our work with clients and other organizations, our own operations and the ERM Foundation. The table below provides a snapshot of ERM’s contributions within our own operations, with our business partners and through our work with clients. For a summary of the progress made through the ERM Foundation, visit the ERM Foundation Annual Review.
ERM material topic

Corresponding SDGs and 2030 targets FY18 progress
16.5 Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
FY18 progress
Our commitment to combat bribery and corruption is fundamental to how we operate and is embedded into our key systems and programs. For more on the location of anti-bribery and corruption-related disclosures in this report, see our UN Global Compact Index , which includes details of our reporting on Principle 10 – Anti-Corruption. See the section on Governance for more details.

Our people
5.5 Ensure women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life
10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
Through our policies, we prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability, veteran status or any other category protected by the laws of the communities in which we do business.
ERM is a signatory of the Women’s Empowerment Principles. The ERM Foundation includes "empowering women and girls" as an area of focus for funding projects reflecting the SDGs.
See the sections on Our people and the ERM Foundation for more details.

Occupational health and safety
8.8 Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment
ERM delivers a global health and safety program that focuses on the ongoing health and safety of everyone involved in and impacted by our work – including ERM employees, clients, contractors, as well as communities and the public local to our program sites.
See the section on Health & safety for more details.

Climate change
7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
We collaborate with industry, nonprofit organizations and thought leaders to raise awareness and take action to address climate change.
We are implementing a science-based target for our emissions, which includes purchasing more renewable energy.
We are experts in wind energy and other renewable energy sources and actively help companies to build and operate more renewable projects and to help other companies transition to purchasing more renewables.
See the section on Environment for more details.

Innovating with clients and other leading organizations
8.2 Achieve higher levels of productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation
Our business strategy focuses on providing innovative solutions to our clients on the full range of sustainability issues. In particular, we are focusing on leveraging technological advances across our core services and within our own business to drive productivity.
See the sections on Our impact and Society for more details.

Contributing to society and local communities
12.6 Encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into reporting cycle
17.16 Enhance global partnership for sustainable development by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize, share knowledge, support SDGs in all countries, particularly developing countries
ERM works with governments, businesses, industry bodies and other leading organizations to address complex sustainability issues by providing technical insights, an understanding of societal expectations, and framing that with commercial acumen to provide business value.
Throughout the report, we highlight our work with many leading organizations on sustainable development.
ERM participates in SDG panels at leading conferences and convened SDG workshops and webinars with companies across geographies and sectors.
See the sections on Society and the ERM Foundation for more detail.