Pride is the positive stance against discrimination and violence toward LGBT+ people to promote their self-affirmation, dignity and equality rights; increase their visibility as a social group; build community; and celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance.

In 2019, we used our internal social media platforms to share perspectives from LGBT+ employees around the world on the difference working for an inclusive business can make for their life, in and out of work. We also heard from members of our Executive Committee and Senior Leadership Team on how ERM’s company values are intrinsically linked to ensuring that ERM is an environment where everyone can bring their full self to their work.
Offices around the world hosted local sessions in support of Pride, which provided a great opportunity for everyone to get involved in the conversation. This included events held in offices even where is it can be difficult for people to be openly LGBT+ in the community.

Consulting is inherently a people-centric business and as people, we come from many different backgrounds with diverse experiences. Ensuring our people can bring their full self to work, regardless of sexual orientation, not only promotes diversity of thought, it helps attract and retain the best talent. Being part of the gay community, I participate in the ERM LGBT+ employee resource group, and facilitated the observation of Pride in Canada. These initiatives are very meaningful to me as they demonstrate a company-wide commitment to create an inclusive workspace.