; FY17 performance data - Environment: ERM Sustainability Report 2017

Supporting Data


Data presented here support the Environment section of this report. Data from ERM’s acquisition of JSC is excluded.

GHG emissions intensity

GHG emissions intensity FY15 - FY17 (tCO2e/FTE)


  • Notes:
    Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions normalized by average full-time equivalent (FTE) employees.

    FY16 GHG emissions data (used to calculate emissions intensity) reported in the FY16 Sustainability Report was overstated by 5.1% (1,110 tCO2e). This was due to data errors in the calculation methods and incorrect data entries in the North America business. FY16 data presented in this report has been restated to correct for these errors. 


Total GHG emissions

Total GHG emissions FY15 - FY17 (tCO2e)



Total GHG emissions by region FY15 - FY17 (tCO2e)

LocationTotal GHG
Europe, Middle East and Africa 4,899 4,243 4,439
Asia Pacific 4,972 4,365 3,869
Latin America and Caribbean 1,448 1,032 910
North America 10,552 10,379 10,393
Global Businesses 597 945 565
Group 558 663 771

Total GHG emissions include Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Data has been calculated using a market-based approach, unless otherwise stated. For further information on market-based methods, please refer to http://www.ghgprotocol.org.

The FY16 data for total GHG emissions reported in the FY16 Sustainability Report was overstated by 5.1% (1,110 tCO2e).This was due to data errors in the calculation methods and incorrect data entries in the North America business. FY16 data presented in this report has been restated to correct for these errors.

GHG scope 1 emissions

Scope 1 emissions FY15 - FY17 (tCO2e)


Europe, Middle East and Africa 473 423 545
Asia Pacific 104 80 105
Latin America and Caribbean 71 56 40
North America 752 972 701
Global Businesses 0 1 1

Scope 1 includes direct emissions from operations we own or control. 

Scope 1 is expressed as CO2e and includes all Kyoto gases and refrigerants.

Scope 1 emissions from Global Businesses and Group are included in the data for the ERM region in which employees home offices are located. 

FY16 Scope 1 GHG emissions data reported in the FY16 Sustainability Report was overstated by 0.4% (4 tCO2e). This was due to errors in the calculation methods and incorrect data entries in the North America business. FY16 data presented in this report has been restated to correct for these errors.

GHG scope 2 emissions

Scope 2 emissions FY15 - FY17 (tCO2e)


LocationLocation basedMarket based
Europe, Middle East and Africa 1,729 1,360 1,284 1,901 1,486 1,480
Asia Pacific 2,602 2,547 2,173 2,550 2,501 2,142
Latin America and Caribbean 287 290 254 287 290 254
North America 4,945 4,915 4,878 4,870 4,882 4,808
Global Businesses 0 1 0 0 37 0

Scope 2 includes indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heating, cooling and steam that we consume or use. 

Scope 2 is expressed as CO2e and includes all Kyoto gases. 

Scope 2 emissions from Specialty Global Businesses and Group are included in the data for the ERM region in which employees home offices are located. However from FY16, due to an office opening, there are Scope 1 emissions for Specialty Global Businesses. 

For further information on Scope 2 location and market-based methods, please refer to http://www.ghgprotocol.org. 

FY16 Scope 2 data reported in the FY16 Sustainability Report was overstated by 3.3% (317 tCO2e). This was due to data entry errors in the North America business. FY16 data presented in this report has been restated to correct for these errors.

GHG scope 3 emissions

Scope 3 emissions FY15 - FY17 (tCO2e)


Europe, Middle East and Africa 2,525 2,332 2,414
Asia Pacific 2,318 1,783 1,622
Latin America and Caribbean 1,090 686 616
North America 4,930 4,525 4,884
Global Businesses 597 907 552
Group 558 663 771

Scope 3 includes other indirect emissions that occur outside ERM (e.g., business travel).

Scope 3 is expressed as CO2e and includes all Kyoto gases and refrigerants.

FY16 Scope 3 GHG data reported in the FY16 Sustainability Report was overstated by 6.8% (789 tCO2e). This was due to data calculation errors in the North America business. FY16 data presented in this report has been restated to correct for these errors.

Global office energy use

Global office energy use FY15 - FY17 (MWh)


 Other Electricity
Office Electricity
RECs Electricity
Fuel Consumption
Europe, Middle East and Africa 1,625 1,472 1,530 1,541 1,179 1,014 87 90 206 778 582 1,095
Asia Pacific 2,279 2,213 2,043 1,245 1,224 1,120 65 57 42 115 23 26
Latin America and Caribbean 655 712 410 451 421 395 0 0 0 0 10 0
North America 5,981 5,736 5,258 4,339 5,048 5,434 225 113 8 1,381 2,345 1,638
Global Businesses 0 45 0 0 33 24 0 0 0 0 0 0

Employees from Global Businesses and Group are included in the data for the ERM region in which their home offices are located.

The portion of shared resources for which ERM is responsible in multiple-occupant buildings, where this amount is not already reported or included in office billings.

RECs are Renewable Energy Certificates, i.e., the tradable part of generated electricity from renewable resources representing attributes such as GHG emissions. 

FY16 office energy use data reported in the FY16 Sustainability Report was overstated by 5.0% (1113 MWh). This was due to data entry errors in the North America business. FY16 data presented in this report has been restated to correct for these errors.

Business travel

Business travel FY15-FY17 (tCO2e)


Business travel FY15-FY17 (tCO2e)

Europe, Middle East and Africa 2,777 2,572 2,670
Asia Pacific 2,340 1,795 1,632
Latin America and Caribbean 1,135 719 635
North America 5,324 4,951 5229
Global Businesses 597 907 552
Group 558 663 771

Business travel emissions total includes all Scope 3 emissions (10,859 tCO2e) plus Scope 1 emissions associated with fuel consumption for leased vehicles (630 tCO2e).

Data is expressed as CO2e and includes all Kyoto gases.

FY16 Business travel data reported in the FY16 Sustainability Report was overstated by 6.4% (789 tCO2). This was due to data entry errors in the North America business. FY16 data presented in this report has been restated to correct for these errors.

Business travel by mode FY15 - FY17 (tCO2e)

Air 9,368 8,201 7,970
3,191 3,266 3,347
Rail 172 141 172

Includes Scope 1 and 3 car travel.

FY16 Business Travel data reported in the FY16 Sustainability Report was overstated by 6.4%. This was due to data entry errors in the North America Business. FY16 data presented in this report has been restated to correct for these errors.


US hazardous and nonhazardous waste

US hazardous and nonhazardous waste FY17 (metric tons)

 Hazardous wasteNonhazardous waste
Recycled 0.00 22.25
Disposal 0.04 32.12

ERM has been requested to provide waste data in the United States, to meet the procurement requirements of a large industry sector.

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